Frequently Asked Questions about the Civil Right and related matters. Please use the Contact form if you have a question you would like to see addressed here.

Q: Why the web site – what’s the point?

A: The “Civil Right” is really just a label, but labels are important. They are a social short-hand for describing a complex set of ideas. Rather than saying, “I believe in A, B, C, D, and E, and I am opposed to W, X, Y, and Z.” we can say, “I am part of the Civil Right” or “I am part of the Alt-Right” or whatever label we identify with. This site exists to describe a particular set of ideas and to have those ideas all in one place. Generally, this set of ideas will be adopted by those who were initially attracted to the Alt-Right, but then discovered that there are areas of serious disagreement. The Civil Right may be just the right fit for those looking for order and stability in chaotic times.

Q: Is this just a different term for Alt-Right?

A: No. Now that the Alt-Right has gained wide-spread recognition (some would say notoriety), all sorts of groups and individuals are now claiming the name – including some that are directly opposed to what the Civil Right is about. We have much in common, but no, the Civil Right is not the Alt-Right.

Q: Is this the same as …?

A: Civic Nationalism – No, not even close. While Civil Right and Civic Nationalism may share a few letters of a word, that’s the full extent of any similarity. This is about “civil”, as in civility and civilized and civilization, and about “right”, as in traditionalism and right-wing.
Southern Nationalism – No. Southern Nationalism, by most definitions, is about restoring the Southern states as a political entity (Confederate States of America, or some other name). The Civil Right shares much of the cultural aspects of Southern Nationalism, but not the political aspects.

Q: What is meant by “Blood and Soil”?

A: “Blood and Soil” are the two key components of any traditional culture, and the Southern Agrarians are an excellent example. Blood and soil are also the two primary requirements of a nation 1.

Blood 2 refers to the people who make up that culture. It is the direct lineage; the DNA of the people who make up that group. It is not something that can be claimed by simply occupying a place. Blood is a broader form of family. It is the racial identity of a group of people, and it provides a strong bond among that group.

Soil 3 refers to a physical location that a People call home. It is also a cultural appreciation of our place in the world, and the understanding that the soil provides the food that we eat. Some, such as the Southern Agrarians, place a greater emphasis on the soil than do other groups, but it is a crucial component of any traditional culture.

Q: If this is about “Blood and Soil”, doesn’t that mean that you are against other races?

A: No. The phrase “Blood and Soil” is owned by no one. It means different things to different people, and that is why we are careful about not identifying the Civil Right in overly broad terms. With that said, race matters. People generally prefer being with other people who are like themselves – people who look like them, think like them, have a similar background, and are part of the same culture.

Different races can be competitors without being enemies. Like two teams meeting on a ball field, both work hard to make sure that their team (their People) comes out ahead, yet if the other team were not there to compete against, there would be no game. Each team bestows full loyalty to their own team and no other. Each team wears their distinctive uniform to identify as a united group. At the end of the game, no matter who wins, they shake hands and go home. That’s the way that racial groups should work – work together where it is mutually beneficial, then shake hands and each returns to their own place with their own people.

It is the position of the Civil Right to encourage all races and groups to establish their own unique version of the Civil Right.

Diversity weakens and destroys a culture, and that is the opposite of what we need to do. We need to build and strengthen our culture, and having a common background and heritage is an important part of that.

Q: How does the Civil Right view other racial and ethnic groups?

A: There are some who have never outgrown the childish ways of always seeking to blame others. Those are the ones who imagine that the Jews or Blacks or Muslims or some other group are so powerful as to control our destiny. Wrong. We are masters of our own destiny. Our problems are ours to fix. It’s what we do as a people – we fix things. Only weaklings cry “Victim” and blame others. The Civil Right is explicitly not opposed to Jews or Blacks or any other group of people solely based on race or ethnicity; however, we cannot, and we do not, ignore the very clear evidence that efforts to destroy our people and our culture are consistently traced back to Jews, and that Blacks have built an entire business model of playing the victim with our people as the villain. This well-established history of working against the interests of White Southerners must be recognized and defended against. They take action to favor their own interests, and we must do the same.

Q: Does the Civil Right support segregation?

A: The Civil Right supports Freedom of Association, which is the right to associate or disassociate with any person or group for any reason, or for no reason.
ꔷ the right to do business with or not do business with anyone
ꔷ the right to accept or refuse membership in a group
ꔷ the right to rent or sell – or not rent or sell – to anyone
ꔷ the right to hire or fire entirely at the employer’s discretion

The Civil Right is opposed to any coercion aimed at mixing different races or other groups, such as school busing, integration of prison populations, and subsidized housing.

The Civil Right does NOT support government discrimination in the providing of goods or services that were primarily paid for out of general tax revenue – unless that person is not a citizen and a taxpayer, with the possibility of exceptions made on a case-by-case basis.

A government should have the authority to group people by category in order to promote an orderly society.

Q: How is the Civil Right different from the Alt-Right?

A: There are several areas where we differ, and as the Alt-Right evolves, those differences seem to be increasing.

Socialism – The Alt-Right has gone from being generally somewhat opposed to socialism, to the point of supporting clearly socialist positions. High profile leaders of the Alt-Right have even gone on record endorsing socialism. The Civil Right is explicitly and fundamentally opposed to socialism in any form.

Generations – There is a strong resentment – even a hatred – among many in the Alt-Right toward the Baby Boom generation, blaming them for a host of problems. That, of course, is nonsense – just more scapegoating; more victim mentality; more blaming “someone else” for problems. However, friction between generations has always existed – usually with some amount of truth behind it. Those of us in that generation had our own version of that with the “Don’t trust anyone over 30” mantra of the 1970’s. The Alt-Right is sharply focused on those in their early 20’s; however, that is an age group that is generally still lacking in maturity and more interested in “being part of it” than actually working to change the culture. This is part of why we sometimes refer to the Civil Right as “Alt-Right for Grownups”.

Christianity – Civility is a hallmark of Christian cultures, though certainly not exclusive to them. The Civil Right is not a theocratic system, but unlike the Alt-Right which is often quite hostile toward Christianity, it explicitly embraces the principles and general doctrine of Biblical Christianity.

Alt-Right takes social and political beliefs first, then looks for some religion (Paganism, Odinism, the Occult, etc. seem to be current favorites) that will validate their ideas. That is completely backwards. We use The Holy Bible, accepted as the word of God, as the starting point, and then formulate beliefs from there.

The belief that everyone answers to someone runs up against a wall without the belief that everyone – including those at the top – must answer to God for their actions. That is what makes hierarchy and monarchy work; without a firm belief in the God of The Bible, any system is doomed to failure. The Civil Right is explicitly Christian in nature.

The Starting Point – The Civil Right is based on reality, in that we start with what we have. Although most in the Alt-Right don’t really explicitly say it, reaching their goals involves ridding the country of “the Other”, and forced deportation is often the kindest of their proposed methods. The foundation of the Civil Right is civility, and that means that ending diversity must be done in a just and honorable manner. That also means that it would take longer than many in the Alt-Right find acceptable.

Q: What are the key beliefs of the Civil Right?

A: The fundamental points of belief are:
ꔷ Nationalism, in its broadest sense, is vital to the long term well-being of a people.
ꔷ Equality is nowhere to be found in the real world, and any attempt by a society to force equality is destructive to both the society and the individual.
ꔷ Diversity of race and culture has always resulted in turmoil, discord, and distrust – the exact opposite of what the Civil Right strives for. Diversity destroys, and must itself be destroyed.
ꔷ Immigration must support a homogeneous nation; it must never be used to promote diversity.
ꔷ Hierarchy in a society is a reflection of the way a strong family is structured, and is the best pattern to follow.
ꔷ Hierarchy includes the God of The Bible as reigning supreme over all. Christian principles and general doctrine are a fundamental part of the Civil Right; however, that does not mean theocracy.
ꔷ Democracy is mob rule. It is corrosive to a culture and always leads to mediocrity. Various forms of monarchy and aristocracy have stood the test of time, and continue the theme of hierarchy and traditional family structure.
ꔷ Striving for something bigger and higher than the individual is the mark of a healthy society. A focus on individualism leads to self-centered mediocrity.
ꔷ A civil society is an orderly society. Order and stability within a society is a core objective of the Civil Right.
Not for Our time, but for All time. The Civil Right takes a very long-term view. It is planting trees whose shade we will not live to enjoy. It is sacrificing now for a better future. In economics, it is known as Low Time Preference.

Q: Monarchy? Seriously?

A: Yes, seriously.
ꔷ Replacing democracy with monarchy is not the point. Monarchy represents a general pattern that should be pursued wherever possible. In addition, every complex society eventually collapses – monarchy is part of advanced planning for what comes next.
ꔷ There is something deep in our very being – in our DNA – that tells us that the traditional family structure model is what we were created to thrive under.
ꔷ It is patriarchy as a father leads his family.
ꔷ It is the reason a ship has one captain; the crew doesn’t vote on which way to steer the ship.
ꔷ It is the single most effective and longest lasting form of government throughout history.
ꔷ Monarchy is mentioned throughout The Bible as the God-ordained system of organizing a society. When a mob voted, they voted to free a criminal and crucify the sinless Son of God – not a very good endorsement of the voice of the people.
ꔷ The Biblical model of a good king is one who serves his people, which is a far cry from the popular image of a king. This is why Christianity is an integral part of a successful monarchy.
ꔷ Some kings are good and some kings are bad, but monarchy is always good.
ꔷ Under a monarchy, someone is always fully accountable. Under democracy, the politicians claim they’re just doing the will of the voters, while the voters just shrug their shoulders and say, “Maybe next election it will be different.” In a democracy, no one is held accountable; no one accepts responsibility.
ꔷ When things go wrong in a monarchy, a course correction means just one man must be changed. When things go wrong in a democracy, the whole of the voters must be changed – a virtually impossible task. If the people are corrupt, then so is the democracy. In monarchy, either the people or the monarch can check the other.
ꔷ Even the strongest of monarchies depends on the people accepting their leadership. The story of the Sword of Damocles illustrates this well.
ꔷ Is it perfect? No, of course not. The question is what is best for our people – the people who identify with the Civil Right. Monarchy, aristocracy, hierarchy fit that requirement whether it is called a kingdom, a clan, a tribe, a manor, or something else.
ꔷ Monarchs represent all, while politicians are necessarily partisan and divisive, pitting one side against the other to their benefit. Politicians have an incentive to work for their own benefit during their short term of office while a monarch looks generations ahead as he nurtures and builds a nation/kingdom to pass down to his heirs.
ꔷ All societies that have withstood the test of time have their elites directly invested in the well-being of the people. Their fate is directly linked to the fate of the people.
ꔷ Monarchy is not exemplified by Britain’s Royal Family. The UK is basically mob rule with a toothless monarchy functioning as little more than a tourist attraction. With no real purpose, they focus on virtue signalling Leftist causes. England is a monarchy in name only.

Q: If the Civil Right has culture as the foundation, the question becomes “Which culture?”

A: The Civil Right has, as its foundation, the Southern Traditionalist culture of European-descended Whites who settled The South. Yes, in the Civil Right, race is an important factor and for our purposes that race is the White race. The concepts of the Civil Right are such that they can be put to use by any race or group of people if they choose to follow that path; however, since the Civil Right is based on culture, the mixing of different cultures works directly against the idea of the Civil Right. For that reason, any effort at implementing the Civil Right is limited to those among the generally accepted description of one specific people (i.e., not a “diverse” population).

Q: Where did the terms Left and Right come from?

A: In the assemblies of pre-Revolution France, those who supported aristocracy, an orderly society, and the king sat on the right, while those who supported the revolution, republicanism, and socialism sat on the left. In general, that still holds true today.

Q: What is a 1788 Conservative?

A: The French Revolution that began in 1789 marked the beginning of a new era that put Western civilization on a steady downward path. Those wanting to conserve what came before then have adopted the label, “1788 Conservative”. The Civil Right is, in part, about being a 1788 Conservative.

Q: Is “14 Words” part of the Civil Right?

A: The “14 Words” 4 is at the very core of the Civil Right. For the purpose of this FAQ, we have substituted “Our” for “White” which the original version used in order to show the hypocrisy of those who see Whites as unworthy of self-preservation.

We Must Secure The Existence Of Our People
And A Future For Our Children.

Look at it objectively and without the baggage it normally carries with it. It is about a people wanting to ensure their future existence. It is about those same people wanting to secure a future for their children. What decent, civilized person could possibly be opposed to that? Ask yourself why it should make any difference which people or what race those 14 words refer to. We fully expect that every group would desire the same for their own people; Whites are no different in that regard, and we truly must secure the existence of our people and a future for our children.

While we’re at it, “It’s OK to be White” has become a popular meme recently. We, absolutely and without the slightest reservation, agree with this.

Q: But what about …?

A: The Civil Right makes no claim to being a perfect system, ideal for everyone. Such a system does not exist, and never will. The Civil Right is not for everyone, but it was never intended to be. Man is flawed, so it is only reasonable to expect that anything man comes up with will also be flawed. This is an attempt to do the best we can as a People – now and for generations to come.

Q: What is the role of women in the Civil Right?

A: Women, just as men, have their traditional roles to fill in society, and there is no more noble role than that of wife and mother. Bearing and raising our descendants is the highest calling that can be bestowed on anyone, and God gave that role to women.

The Civil Right looks to The Bible for guidance.
“Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands” 5 is pretty clear. With that said, the rest of it also equally applies: “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it” – a high standard indeed.

Another related area is theological leadership. The Bible makes it clear 6 that women are not to be in positions of leadership in the church. However, the Civil Right is not a theocracy. The way in which churches conduct their internal affairs is beyond the scope of the Civil Right, but the question was asked and replied to even though it doesn’t apply to defining the Civil Right.

The Civil Right supports patriarchy as the best model for a family. How an individual family decides to conduct their affairs is, of course, their own business. All we can do is hold up that model as the ideal and trust that families will see the wisdom in that and do accordingly.

Are women considered to be or treated as second class citizens? No. There is no reason, scriptural or otherwise, for a woman to submit to a man outside the bonds of marriage or within the church.

Q: What is the most valuable thing we have lost in the West? Why is our culture slipping away?

A: Christianity. We are in a religious war, and it’s not what most people think. It is not Christianity vs. Islam, though that is a big part of it, and Islam must be recognized as a deadly enemy that must be stopped. We are in a war between two religions – Christianity and Secularism. Islam is being used as a tool of Secularism which is why the Left supports Islam – for now.

Secularism is every bit as much a religion as Christianity. As Christians, we believe in what we read in God’s written word to us – The Holy Bible. We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, His resurrection from the dead, the miracles He performed, and other things that are based entirely on faith in The Bible as God’s word, and appear to non-believers as illogical nonsense unsupported by facts and evidence. Secularism is also based on a belief in things that we see as illogical nonsense unsupported by facts and evidence: that each individual is equal, that all races have equal abilities, that all inequality is purely the result of oppression by Whites, etc.

The loss of Christianity as the dominant controlling factor in Western civilization created a void that was filled by Secularism. Chaos is replacing order. Incivility is replacing civility. Third world populations are replacing Western populations.

The goal of the Civil Right is to restore what has been lost: to replace Secularism with Christianity, to restore order where chaos reigns, to rebuild and strengthen our people, to regain control over our culture and our nation.




  1. Nation – def. A body of people inhabiting the same country, or united under the same sovereign or government; a body of people speaking the same language, or a body that has formerly been under a distinct government, but has been conquered, or incorporated with a larger nation. A family or race of men descended from a common progenitor, like tribe, but by emigration, conquest and inter-mixture of men of different families.
  2. Blood – def. Kindred; relation by natural descent from a common ancestor.
  3. Soil – def. Land; country.
  4. originally used “White” instead of “Our” and was first written by David Eden Lane,
  5. Ephesians 5:22-25
  6. 1 Cor. 14:34-35